Thursday, March 3, 2011

Back to catalog my own stupidity

Well - I never did write like I said I would - but then I never do. I am more of an idea gal. Also I think I have ADD.

I have been having some minor health issues of recent, the latest being a sort of nighttime insomnia. I use the term "nighttime insomnia" - though it seems redundant - because from 12pm to 6pm I feel like I could sleep amazingly, yet I'm at work so this is unfortunate. Now, however, when it is 11.22pm I feel no compulsion to sleep and when I attempt to sleep I merely doze on and off all night which culminates in the vicious cycle of the 12 to 6 blues - which is really a fog that fills my brain while I should be teaching amazing things to children in grades 1 - 5. So I thought I would use this extra time in my day to make a blog comeback.

So here it goes (the comeback I mean). Tonight, for the second time in about 2 weeks, I have locked my keys in my car. The first time I was outside of my apartment building, tonight I was at a very sketchy gas station trying to take advantage of the $.05 off Thursday discount. I blame both of these events on the afore mentioned ADD. How does one go for almost 20 years without locking their keys in the car only to do it twice in such a short time span? One would assume you would be more aware of this behavior yet the opposite appears to be true. I have a plan (for security purposes I won't detail it here) I will put into action tomorrow. Wish me luck.

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