Thursday, November 5, 2009

how the mighty have fallen

I had such lofty ideas of coming home each day to blog about my first year as a school librarian in an urban school. It was going to be amazing and fill me with a creative zing. The reality is that most days go by in a caffeine buzzed blur of running hither and yon. I barely even get to flex my writing muscles and by the time I am home and have time to write I just don't feel like it. So now I am on the 49th day for the students and the 53rd day for me and I have very few posts to show for it. I am going to make a real effort to blog more often but I think I'll write less about work and more about life. Not that I have written a ton about work but the prospect of working all day and then chatting about it all evening fills me with less than anticipation.

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