Thursday, November 5, 2009

how the mighty have fallen

I had such lofty ideas of coming home each day to blog about my first year as a school librarian in an urban school. It was going to be amazing and fill me with a creative zing. The reality is that most days go by in a caffeine buzzed blur of running hither and yon. I barely even get to flex my writing muscles and by the time I am home and have time to write I just don't feel like it. So now I am on the 49th day for the students and the 53rd day for me and I have very few posts to show for it. I am going to make a real effort to blog more often but I think I'll write less about work and more about life. Not that I have written a ton about work but the prospect of working all day and then chatting about it all evening fills me with less than anticipation.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Days 11-18

Well school has been interesting. I am pretty much winging it. We had one teacher quit and the outright defiance of many of the children is hard to swallow but I knew the first couple of months would be crazy. I am feeling a bit better about lesson plan writing, or at least the process was much faster this week. I am really looking forward to the 3-day weekend.

I spent another frustrating time at the district office yesterday. It seems that the ineptitude in the HR department is a long standing phenomenon. I hope I won't have to deal with them anytime soon.

Here's hoping that week 3 goes better.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 10 The first day of school

Well I won't have kids in the library until next week but I have met a great number of students while on playground duty. They are an interesting and funny bunch. The year will definitely be a challenge but in the best kind of way. I am so excited for the school year! Bring it, I say - bring it!

Days 7-8-9

Well I finally managed to get into my library. It was filthy, disorganized, and cluttered. I spent at total if 23 hours over 3 days (one being a Saturday) to prep. It was sweaty and grueling at times but I am now quite happy with the result. Now I just have to plan lessons for 7 grades and figure out what books are actually in the library. Easy-peasy, gulp.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 6 - a wash

Well the day began well enough. I felt awake and ready to go. I got off on time and made excellent time into the city - only to sit in reception for an hour. After trying to be patient I finally asked if I could see someone else. I was given to a girl who looked 16 at most who told me I STILL couldn't sign my offer b/c the woman who was supposed to have written it was not there and the offer letter was not yet written. So Day 6 which would really have been Day 1 is a total wash and I now have only 2 days to get my library together by the start of school. Sweet.

I cannot imagine why this school district consistently scores poorly.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Days 3-4-5

Well I write this from Seattle which is far from where I am teaching. Day 3 was a travel day to the west as I wasn't allowed to go to New Teacher Orientation. I spent Day 4 trying to figure out (from afar) if I could actually teach. Day 5 brought the news - it appears I can. Day 6 should be a crazy mix of running to sign my contract and then heading off to my new job. I wish I could say that I feel confident that this will all happen, but mostly I feel like there will be more red tape and hoops in my future.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 2ish

I should be at New Teacher Orientation but I was not allowed to go b/c I haven't signed my contract yet so instead I am trying to stoke myself up for a trip to my school. It is supposedly 10 miles (or 19 minutes) away. We shall see. I have very mixed feelings about everything after yesterday but I am trying to look at it as an adventure. Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 1 - sort of.

Well things are not going as I had planned. I still do not have a contract nor do I really know what is going on with my job or when I will actually get a contract. I cannot attend New Teacher Orientation because I haven't signed a contract yet so I have wasted days already. I am hoping this is not an omen of things to come. I spent almost 4 hours today at the HR office waiting around only to be told that they can't give me a contract b/c I just got finger printed. I just got finger printed b/c they told me this should all be done on the same day. I would tear my hair out but I am too tired from waiting around all day.Things can only go up from here, right?